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Sugar and Spice and everything nice.

Writer's picture: ShannonShannon

🎵🎶Ah, sugar.

Oh, honey honey.

You are my candy girl, and you’ve got me wanting you! 🎵🎶

Sugar and sweets. We all love them and crave them. But, have you ever wondered what too much sugar does to the body and more importantly, our skin?

When the foods we ingest are converted to sugars in glucose in our bodies, our insulin levels are raised. Sugary foods made of refined sugars cause insulin spikes which is essentially like an inflammatory burst through one’s body.

The consequences of inflammation are what cause skin issues because sagging skin and wrinkles result.

It’s the worst!!!

Not to ruin that next bite of ice cream of spoonful of delicious cake, but inflammation is what causes skin issues because sagging skin and wrinkles result due to collagen and elastin breakdown. ‘Digested sugar permanently attaches to the collagen in your skin through a process known as glycation’, (Huffington Post 2013), and glycation is known to irritate skin conditions like acne and rosacea.

The key is to understand high and low glycemic foods. The glycemic index determines and guides us to understand how quickly blood sugar levels rise after eating specific foods. High glycemic foods cause a spike, low glycemic foods don’t. Avoid simple carbs that essentially wreak havoc on your skin. White bread, candy, cream cheese, pizza, sugars, pasta, juice, ice cream and all the fun stuff we love…they’re all culprits. Though you can treat yourself here and there, be sure to pack your diet with complex carbs such as brown rice, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, beans and high-fibre foods. They release slower and hence delay sugar absorption in your blood. A slower release and sugar absorption results in more youthful, radiant skin. Not to sound cliché, but remember, slow and steady win the race, so be sure to pack your diet this way.

Your Confidence is my Business,




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