We’re halfway through the holiday season, how’s your skin holding up?!
Late night, sugary drinks, cold weather, alcohol, sweets…so much our skin is being exposed to over the holidays.
It’s not all doom and gloom for your skin though, here are some things you can do to help your skin look radiant as you sparkle and shine at every party this Christmas.
Drink lots of water. We can’t stress this enough. Water will keep you hydrated and nourish your dry skin, as well as balance oil production in oily skin.
If you use products on your eyes, keep them in your fridge to maximize their effect and be sure to use them over the holidays, whatever they may be.
If you can’t sneak in a professional facial, be sure to do them at home. We love Yonka products and will always recommend them for home facials, but whatever suits your skin best, will do!
Exfoliate! A good face scrub will remove dead skin cells and offer you a deep clean, too.
Apply your favourite moisturizer, day and night. The colder weather will dry your skin here in Calgary, so extra moisturizer will go a long way on your skin.
Keep your favourite lip balm at the ready at all times and keep your lips hydrated. Mistletoe smooches await!
When all is said and done, come see us in January for a Yonka Facial. If you haven’t had one before, you are truly missing out.
Enjoy your holiday parties and remember, Your Confidence is my Business.